Publishing Poetry in Full Bloom

09 Jan

(By Christina Anne Taylor)

Beyond the art of poetry, publishing poetry is an art in itself. That is why Middle Island Press has been publishing in full color since the birth of Hills & Hollows in 2008. It goes beyond the cover and extends into the text itself. (Why not?)

Below is a “transplant” article that I wrote some time back:

“The Hundred Hues of Black”

In the realm of printing, black is more than black. As page-designers develop their eyes, they can see when black looks too blue for an ivory page, or too brown against the cool hues of an image placed on an opposing page. In this, they learn to opt for a hue of black that is most complimentary to the overall work (images and paper considered). It is a valuable application that lends a genuine look of quality.

Middle Island Press has realized and employed this concept. We analyze the colors within the cover or a predominant image provided by the writer. We take the primary or secondary color within the palette and run it through the “more options” software process which displays a range of color from the lightest tint to the darkest shade within a given hue. One of the darkest shades becomes the custom-made “black” that Middle Island Press is proud to apply as a particular chapbook’s text color.

Black is not so narrow-minded in its all-absorbing value. If black were only black, no colored ink would be required in attaining the right finished look. That would save a bit of money. If black were only black, it would also save time, but time is an absolute necessity for creating professional-looking chapbooks sealed with the mark of perfection.

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Posted by on January 9, 2012 in News & Reviews


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