Christina Finlayson Taylor

Robert Nicholas Taylor & Christina Anne Taylor

I’m Christina. Poetica~Place is my literary blog that encompasses two micro-presses as well as book reviews, Coffee with the Poets interviews, etc. (Click on the authors’ names to view their titles.)

As micro-publishers, my husband and I self-publish through our private “friends & family” imprint, The Red Salon. I also publish others’ poetry through Middle Island Press, Appalachia’s finest publishing service-provider.

As a writer, I have three collections of poetry and verse in print and am slowly accumulating material for future books.

Red Salon titles by Christina Finlayson Taylor:

The Colors of My Soul (2018)

ISBN 978-1-7325023-6-9
By Christina Finlayson Taylor
Paperback; 48 pages. $7.

(Available at Amazon.)

The Colors of My Soul is the spring/summer companion of Near-Life Experience, the autumn/winter half of a solar cycle of poems. As the days lengthen and the sun stirs seeds to life, the poet emerges from the depths of introspection into the ever-present NOW to find mirrors of herself in nature, to lose herself in the sights and sensations that unfold like petals in morning light.

Near-Life Experience (2018)
ISBN 978-09994939-9-1
By Christina Finlayson Taylor
Paperback; 52 pages. $7.

(Available at Amazon,
or purchase a signed copy:

As without, so within. Near-Life Experience is a cozy collection of poems wherein the poet’s flux of struggle and surrender through the grays of the seasons and the grays of life is balanced with yellow optimism: autumn and winter complete not only with coffee and a blanket, but with acceptance of what is, and the ability to fall and rise in the same moment.

(Browse the interior of Near-Life Experience at Amazon.)

Villanelles & Varia (2016)
Revised and Expanded Edition
ISBN 978-0692652626
By Christina Finlayson Taylor
Paperback; 111 pages. $13.

(Available at Amazon,
or purchase a signed copy:

The poems in Villanelles & Varia are a small time-capsule of the bountiful summer of my life. The breadth of subjects (from the intro) “…extends from my heart and soul outward to the white picket fence that encloses my Paradise Within. This small perimeter, save for distant loved ones, is my entire multiverse. It is space without limitation; objects and situations turned inside-out. I am full-filled in the little things.” This collection is but one chapter of more unfolding.

Christina Finlayson Taylor also has poetry featured in two Red Salon anthologies.


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