Daily Archives: November 17, 2011

Writers and the Beauty of Opportunity

Writers are like Rai Tulips: green and purple, alive and fertile with intuition, and though they go dormant at times, the sun inspires them to make a lively and intriguing comeback.

I am so happy to see more and more writers cultivating themselves toward growth. This is an extraordinary time to be alive as people are awakening from the slumber of mediocrity and accepting that we can retain individuality while working toward the oneness of Love that beckons us to follow our hearts and do what we can to benefit the world.

Writers have the pleasure of inspiring others, up close or from a distance, to seek the unseen and to find the beauty in that which is seen. They have the pleasure of stirring emotions that move readers in positive directions. Sometimes they hold other writers high on a dais until they have their own courage to soar so that, in unison, they can affect the heart of humanity one word cluster at a time.

Congratulations to my literary friend, Andrew Buckner, who has been invited aboard Poetic Monthly as a staff writer. I know that he’ll wow them with his analytical clarity and genuine goodness that radiates from his heart to his words. It is when we do things with love that we shine!


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Posted by on November 17, 2011 in News & Reviews


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